Joanna Ng
Founder, KOE Ministry

About Joanna
KOE Ministry started in January 2019 by its founder, Joanna Ng.
Career Highlights
As a technologist and an inventor, Joanna’s niche is her insights in seeing missing parts in emerging technologies and bridge them. As an entrepreneur, Joanna’s niche is her God given talent of translating complex abstractions and theories into useful solutions, put in people’s hands that bring blessings.
Joanna held a seven-year tenure (October 2008 – October 2015) as the Head of Research, Director of Centre for Advanced Studies, IBM Canada Lab. Started at IBM as a compiler writer, she attained the accreditation of an IBM Master Inventor and ran Patent Invention Board to mentor others how to patent. She was also a member of two IBM Patent Review Boards. Joanna was celebrated as the most prolific female inventor in the Town of Markham Innovation Week 2018. She is also a champion and frequent speaker of Women in STEM.
Jesus is the hero of Joanna's life stories. Joanna integrates her work with her faith and sees the works of her hands as a form of worship to God, honouring His sovereign design. Her career is a journey of co-creating with God in His Spirit. She truly believes it is “far more intriguing for mankind to be the embodiment of God’s divine wisdom (DW) than AI as the embodiment of mankind’s intelligence.” (Christianity Today Article, How Artificial Super-Intelligence is Today's Tower of Babel).
Joanna embarked on an exciting journey of innovating in an entrepreneurial start-up setting after leaving IBM. She continued her work on AI, integrating with IoT and Blockchain, focused on augmented cognition by applying the design-thinking methodology.
Technology Patents and Publications
Joanna was granted forty-nine patents by U.S. and other countries’ Patent Offices, with twelve additional filed, pending for grant. She co-authored two computer science books with Springer: The Smart Internet (2010) and The Personal Web (2013). Joanna also published and co-authored over twenty peer-reviewed academic papers.
​Joanna is a Member of the Lausanne Workplace Ministry Advisory Board since April 2020 to present. She was a speaker at Lausanne Global Workplace Forum (GWF) at Manila, Philippines in June 2019. She gave two talks at its Media & Technology Consultation; one on “Redeeming AI for God’s Kingdom” and the other one on “Using Mobile & Social Computing for the Great Commission. She was also one of the main tent panelists on “AI at the Workplace”. Joanna was featured by Christianity Today in February 2020 as one of the twelve Christian Women in Science. She gave a talk at Christianity Today in October 2020 on “Navigating Diversity and Inclusion” and “Faith and Work Integration”
Joanna published "Being Christian 2.0: Instead of losing Heart, Let's start Over" (October 2022), sharing her faith journey and calling for people of Christ to be His kingdom priests on earth at territories of impact the Lord ordained. ​
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joannawng
twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/joannawng
blog: www.joannawng.com